
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of natural and holistic medicine, is more than 5000 years old. It is believed that Gods themselves instructed ancient sages on the systems of Ayurveda. Pioneers in the Ayurvedic tradition include sages such as Charaka, Susrutha and Vagbhata. Today, the Ayurvedic medicine has found followers worldwide and has been accepted as a science. The time-tested para-surgical techniques especially have proven extremely beneficial in several ailments.

We, at Ayur Ratnam, specialize in both therapies and rejuvenation as prescribed in the texts of Ayurveda.

Therapeutic procedures

Ayur Ratnam follows Keraleeya Panchakarma, the therapeutic modalities practiced in the Malabar region of Kerala since several centuries. Following therapeutic modalities are popularly known as Keraleeya Panchakarmas

Five Evacuative Procedures (Panchakarma)

Pnchakarma or the five evacuative procedures are the five ayurvedic means for active intervention in the treatment of diseases. These procedures are diagnosed to eliminate perturbed doshas ( vitiated humours) and restore their balance which is but a synonym for health and well being. They are also employed to eliminate doshas which accumulate during seasons at specified intervels. Panchakarma therapies are rated highly as it brings root level elimination of diseases of body and mind.

Emesis( vamana), Purgation ( Virechana), Nasal evacuation( Nasya), non lubricant and lubricant enema ( Kashaya vasthi & Snehavasthi) and blood letting( Raktamokshana) are the five procedures of Panchakarma.

Panchakarma demands two preparatory steps to loosen and mobilize the doshas from the body channel, clear the openings of the channel into the alimentary canal and deliver them into its lumen. The two preparatory steps are lubricant therapy ( Snehana) and fomentation( Swedana).

The loosened doshas from the body channels return to the alimentary canal through openings which also would have been unblocked by lubricant therapy and fomentation. Panchakarma therapy eliminate the vitiated doshas from the alimentary canal. How ever the elimination of doshas from the head had to be done separately through the nasal root.


A sound body and a sound mind are the foundation of an individual’s wellbeing. At Ayur Ratnam, we focus on bringing a holistic approach to rejuvenation so that the stress and strain of routine life or ageing are replaced with healthy and positive living.